"The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists." — J. Edgar Hoover
At every 9/11 anniversary emotions run high, wounds rip open, and the shock horror that changed our lives forever, resurfaces again. What also resurfaces is the resentment and hatred against Muslims; dividing societies ironically into George Bush’s ideal worldview of “us” and “them.” This xenophobic world view not only unleashed two violent wars and the deaths of millions, but also left a lingering stench of Islam phobia, justifying vilification and discrimination while suppressing freedom and civil liberties; the hallmark of every democracy. Every year news channels broadcast the pain and suffering focusing on how firemen, paramedics, survivors, and relatives of the victims dealt with the horror. Their final conclusion is always the same, that 9/11 was a result of failure of intelligence agencies to act on information that “Al-Qaeda was planning terrorist attacks.” Through emotional heart breaking stories the blame is always on “Islamic terrorists.” The programs never address the hundreds of valid questions from professionals who argue that the official government story does not fit into the laws of physics and nature. If the official story is examined closely, the initial reports should have already sent up red flags. We are expected to believe that two aluminum airplanes smashed into the Twin Towers turning steel columns into dust, and in the hot burning rubble a Saudi passport belonging to the hijackers was found unscathed with a copy of the Qur’an. The FBI Director Robert S. Mueller didn’t take long to point out that that all the identified hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. However on Sept. 23 David Harrison of the Telegraph newspaper after investigations revealed: “The men, all from Saudi Arabia, spoke of their shock at being mistakenly named by the FBI as suicide terrorists. None of the four men were in the United States on Sept. 11 and all are still alive in their home country.” Muslims worldwide have never accepted the official story, and along with many CIA and intelligence officials believe that “Third World jihadists who are used to fighting in mountains and caves could not have carried out a plot that needed powerful technological, organizational and intelligence links.” The dissenting voices against the official 9/11 narrative, originally a whisper have become a roar; professionals from every sphere of life are demanding to know the truth. When a famous sit-com actor Charlie Sheen said that the US government covered up the real events of 9/11, a CNN quick vote poll showed that 83% Americans agreed with him. Needless to say, Sheen has lost the contract to continue his sit-com. Today many groups demanding 9/11 truth like architects, engineers, scholars, pilots, actors, artists, fire fighters, lawyers, and military officers all have irrefutable scientific evidence that the towers were blown up demolition-style after many months of precision planning that could not be executed without the collusion of government and intelligence agencies The respected journalist Robert Fisk, in an article in The Independent titled, “Even I question the truth on 9/11” states: If it is true, for example, that kerosene burns at 820C under optimum conditions, how come the steel beams of the Twin Towers, whose melting point is supposed to be about 1,480C, would snap through at the same time? (They collapsed in 8.1 and 10 seconds.) What about the third tower, the so-called World Trade Center Building 7, which collapsed in 6.6 seconds in its own footprint at 5.20 p.m. on 11 September? Why did it so neatly fall to the ground when no aircraft had hit it? Another baffling incident occurred on that fateful day and puts into question the integrity of news outlets; Jane Stanley while reporting live on BBC announces the collapse of the Salomon building (World Trade Center 7) a half hour before it actually did, the footage shows the building behind her is still up undamaged; Which inclines that she must have been given a pre written script to read out. The question is who knew before hand that the building was going to be pulled down? Veterans Today, a military and foreign affairs website, has highlighted a previously suppressed video which shows that the Pentagon which was supposed to have been hit by a Boeing 757 was not hit by a plane, rather, a cruise type missile. According to the evidence, no plane could fly so low and strike the target, and if by miracle it had as it was claimed, there was no plane debris on the ground. No tail, voice recorder, wings, seats, or luggage. Jesse Ventura, a former Navy Seal and governor of Minnesota, has made a documentary with evidence gathered over 9 years by experts from the field of engineering, pilots, intelligence, and military officers; and through scientific evidence and testimonies has put forward a criminal case tying Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and other officials throughout the US government with complicity in planning and execution of the 9/11 attacks. According to Gordon Duff, senior editor at VT, there was a possible motive for the attack on the Pentagon. He argues: “$2,300,000,000,000, yes 2.3 trillion US dollars had disappeared, cited only the day before in a televised statement by Secretary Rumsfeld, money “gone missing” from the Pentagon’s accounting. The area of the Pentagon hit by a missile or destroyed by explosives or both contained all records of this missing money.” US Intelligence Asset Susan Lindaur in her book “Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriotic Act and the Cover-ups of 9/11 and Iraq” provides evidence that CIA affiliates were aware of Mossad’s involvement in 9/11; and how the US government, heavily influenced by pro- Israel Zionists like Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, were willing to kill thousands of its own citizens and used dangerous methods to silence whistleblowers. The phone hacking scandal only recently exposed how Rupert Murdoch with personal ties to Israel managed to control the British political system, working with government officials as high up as Tony Blair and later David Cameron as well as top police and intelligence officers. It also highlighted how government officials can lie, being led by greed rather than concern for its citizens. Facts that have highlighted Israel’s involvement in 9/11 are many; however one fact stands on its own, and that is, just before 9/11 over 140 Israelis connected to Mossad had been arrested for espionage. WikiLeaks on Aug. 28 has details of the growing alarm of American officials that “Organized crime in Israel now has global reach, with direct impact inside the United States.” The cables point out how they use a new style of crime involving knowledge of hi-tech explosives acquired from service in the Israeli Defense Forces, and a willingness to use indiscriminate violence. According to news reports, after 9/11 there was a lot of activity in the Twin Towers involving Mossad agents posing as art students and removal men. Also the police and FBI had discovered two white vans around the area; one had box cutters (the same tools the hijackers were supposed to have used), $4700 cash stuffed in a sock, and foreign passports. The apprehended men posing as Arabs were found to be Israeli spies, they and their van tested positive for explosives; the men were working for a moving company which was a front for Mossad. Another van which was found to have traces of explosives, had a large mural on its sides depicting an airplane hitting the towers. Early morning on 9/11, five Israelis were ready poised with video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers. According to reports, the five made such a spectacle, by dancing and cheering when the towers were hit that bystanders felt compelled to call the police. The group now labeled as the “dancing Israelis” explained on Israeli TV that “our purpose was to document the event.” Which means they were ready with cameras knowing an event was about to take place. The Washington Post on Sept. 27, 2001 reported that two Jewish workers at the Israeli owned Company Odigo had received text warnings about attacks on Twin Towers, two hours before it happened. It was also reported that four thousand Israelis were warned via text message of impending attacks in the New York area by the same company. Whether it was just plain luck, one thing is clear: Thousands of Jewish people who worked in and around the twin towers did not go to work that day. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on 9/11 said: “It’s very good...Well, it’s not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy (for Israel)” In a well-researched referenced article, “9/11 Israel’s Grand Deception" writer activist Jonathan Azaziah explains that the reason why all the Israeli agents who had been caught were allowed to leave the country quietly was because of one man, Michael Chertoff. He writes: “Chertoff, a dual-citizen of the illegal Zionist state like most of the criminals connected to the plot on 9/11, is the son of impassioned Zionists.” “Prior to becoming the second secretary of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff was chief of the criminal division of the Justice Department from 2001-2003. It was Chertoff who blocked the efforts of several agents across the FBI’s ranks to investigate the hundreds of Mossad spies detained in connection with the attacks on 9/11. He also supervised the destruction and confiscation of evidence that would have linked Israel and the US to the attacks like videotapes, eyewitness accounts, written testimonies and debris from Ground Zero.” He argues that in order to take attention away from the massive Israeli spy ring, “Chertoff orchestrated the capture of 1,100 Muslim citizens, tourists and immigrants, falsely labeling them as suspects connected to the Sept. 11 attacks. These innocent people were physically abused in secret facilities, denied the right to legal counsel, and psychologically abused in secret military tribunals before they were deported, or released.” On the tenth anniversary of 9/11, the government’s answer to those questioning the events as “conspiracy theorists” is weakening against the rising tide of those who want to know the truth; also we owe to the thousands who lost their lives on that tragic day and the millions who died and are continuing to die as a result of the illegal “war on terror.”
In 2008, the U.S. military announced plans for a 20,000 strong force to operate inside the United States during an economic collapse or civil disturbance. These troops were set to finish training sometime this year, 2011.
On June 9th, 2010 USNORTHCOM openly admitted that they were preparing for military operations within the continental United States. Considering the fact that these drills and plans formed during the Gulf Oil disaster and were not used during the crisis implies that they were most likely for something in the future; such as the economic collapse that is upon us. While we could continue to list the literally thousands of reports that indicate that military leaders are planning on unleashing troops on the American people, the evidence provided above is more than enough to paint a clear picture. If what is happening in London happens in America or worse, if we experience a full scale economic collapse or terror attack on par or worse than 9/11, we know exactly what will happen. The American people will be victim to sound cannons, gun confiscations, beatings, and detention camps. As the United Kingdom continues to riot many have wondered how the United States would respond to a similar outbreak of riots; whether caused by an economic collapse, widespread terror attacks, or some other catalyzing event. For those that are awake to the fact that the government was long ago taken over by elitist oligarchs, this question was answered years ago. It is public knowledge that the military is planning to take on the American people by declaring martial law and taking part in widespread arrests and/or gun confiscations. These plans have already been activated multiple times including during Hurricane Katrina and the Seattle WHO riots. Silver Shield wrote an article for “Don't Tread on Me” entitled 5 Places NOT To Be When The Dollar Collapses. In this article the author wrote that societies that benefited the most from the dollar would be the worst places to be when it fell apart. While the dollar has not even collapsed yet, the strain in these areas is becoming more apparent. England is number 3 on the list, and had 4 days of violent riots as people started to lose it. Israel is number 1 on that list, and has had massive protests. There is revolution in the air all over the world except in the US. America is still in deep denial which is still the first stage of the Awakening. This denial will be wiped away when the dollar collapses. For now the economy is still functioning with food and fuel available. Americans still have the illusion of wealth and normality. They are still stuck in the false left right paradigm and think some other sock puppet will turn things around. When the dollar collapses, all American illusions will collapse with it. Deep denial will turn into deep anger. The violence expected in the other 3 areas on the list and all urban areas in the US, will make all other global riots pale in comparison. America is deeply infused with arrogance, denial, narcissism, drugs, and violence. There is no other society that I know of that has the degree of intensity and combination of these factors. “We're Number 1! We're Number 1!” 1. Arrogance: All of our lives we have been fed the lie that somehow we are better than everyone else. We believe this so much that we feel it is morally acceptable to stick our noses in everyone's business. We have 777+ military bases all over the world. Our currency is the world's reserve currency. We control most international organizations like the UN, IMF and World Bank. We control the world's shipping lanes. Our media is the most popular and sought after propaganda in the world. Our corporations harvest the resources that our empire provides. This has lead to an American way of life that is not negotiable. We print debt and consume goods. This way of life was only possible by the very real and hard sacrifices made by Americans long dead. America today is nothing more than a spoiled brat blowing through the last of their inheritance. The only thing the US is number 1 in is spreading debt and death. This American arrogance will be turned on to other Americans as the dollar collapses. We will no longer be able to maintain the global empire of force without a functioning currency. All of our troops will be forced to come home and we will no longer be able to import 25% of the world's oil. This sudden shift will turn arrogant Americans on each other as they seek to enforce their inflated sense of self worth on to others. They will think that somehow the world somehow owes them something and they believe that lesser people should make that sacrifice for them. After all, the American way of life is not negotiable…at least that's what Dick Cheney said. “Everything is fine today, that is our illusion.” Voltaire 2. Denial: For those that aren't arrogant, they are in denial that somehow they are okay because they are good people. They believe that America will recover and that the American Dream is still alive. They believe this because they either lack the ability to logically see through the lies or they believe that the people ruling them have the same morals as they do. You cannot spread freedom with war. A nation cannot enforce their will on another nation anymore than you can enforce your will upon another. There will always be blow back. Of course that is the plan of your rulers. They do not share the same values as you do. They seek to create chaos and division so that they can garner more power and profits. “You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of reality.” Ayn Rand The dollar collapse will end the ability of the average American to deny their active or passive participation in the dominance of the world by spreading debt and death. When people's entire life's savings are wiped away, they will wonder what their life has been all about. All of the missed times with their family and connections with others has been stained by the pursuit of material gains. Only when everything is taken from them, will they start to see the real importance of life. Many will not be able to come to terms with this coming reality. Those that are aware and prepared stand a great chance of making it through this paradigm shift and thrive. 3. Narcissism: The amount of narcissism in America is epidemic. The fascination with celebrities and their clothes consumes so many women. Men are addicted to worshiping sports figures. We have this fear of competition and view others as enemies. This leads to shallow and transitory relationships. Americans consume their way into debt as they try to create an outer facade to hide a void in their vapid lives. The Baby Boomer generation is known as the “Me” generation. Their obsessive pursuit for material possessions was matched by their embrace of debt. The dollar collapse is going to hit the Baby Boomers the hardest as they are forced to come to term with the trail of pain they have left in their wake. Broken families and debt are just the tip of the iceberg. The war and debt machine they enabled and unleashed upon the world is a much harder reality they will have to deal with. The real problem is the sad fact that many of them will be too old to have a second chance on life. 4. Drugs: Millions of Americans turn to drugs to fill the void of true purpose in their lives. Instead of dealing with a past hurt or seeking a higher purpose in their lives by helping others and using their natural talents to make a better world, people turn to drugs. The worst kinds of drugs are the ones that people believe are making them better; the powerful psychotropic drugs like Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI) or more commonly known as anti-depressants. These drugs are extremely powerful and can cause psychotic breaks that lead to violence. At ssristories you can see the list of nearly 4,300 cases of crime related to these drugs. These stories include everything from the Virginia Tech shooting to the mom that drowned her 5 kids in the bathtub. I would say that these drugs are much more dangerous than guns, because they cause the people to break from reality and cause the violence. I don’t have time to go into the mass medication of America and the real reason why Cannabis is illegal, but I do want to warn everyone of one thing. Nearly 10% of the country or 27 million Americans are on these drugs. Knowing that there is only a one month supply in the system and the kind of psychotic breaks that will happen if people come off these drugs too fast, this is definitely not a good thing. When the dollar collapses, we not only have to worry about the 7 to 10 day supply of food and fuel in the system, we really need to worry about the 1 in 10 Americans who are not going to be medicated while their world paradigm collapses. I can see it now, humanitarian airlifts dropping Zoloft and Lexapro from the sky… 5. Violence: Violence has been a part of our American culture since the beginning of our country. We have the most armed population and the highest crime rates in the world. The violence we will see in some parts of America could become as bad as the Reign of Terror from the French Revolution. I foresee 2 coming American revolutions. One revolution will embrace founding fathers vision of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. The other revolution will be some collectivist vision of coercion and fear. Some parts of this country will confront the new post-dollar paradigm by embracing freedom and honest money. Others will try to hold onto power by becoming more tyrannical and finding enemies within their neighbors. We are surrounded by violence and have desensitized anti social behavior. Our movies and video games show the killing of others but rarely the consequences of those actions. Even other anti social behavior has been normalized. I even realized my favorite show of all time Seinfeld was all about normalizing anti social behavior. The series finale was based on a man getting mugged and all 4 main characters not only not helping the man, but actually making fun of the man as he is violently robbed. This lack of empathy is at the root of our problems. So here we now have a society that not only cares only about themselves and their materialistic needs, we also have a society that no longer cares about other's feelings. The American riots will be the worst the world has seen because of the amount of arrogance, denial, narcissism, drugs, and violence in our society. These factors are systemic and infect every level of society. I do fear that our nation is sick enough to unleash a series of false flag events to spread our violence even further. This violent Anger phase in the 5 Stages of the Awakening will not last long and not happen in every part of America. There will be a few months of violence that will shake the faith in mankind. Those that live by the sword will die by the sword. After the most violent are either killed, brought to justice, or burnt out; we will enter into a societal depression as we try to come to terms with what has happened. This period could last for years as we struggle with the loss of wealth and life. I am faithful that this collapse will actually be the beginning of something really great for mankind. A new paradigm not based on debt and death is a very real outcome of this collapse. With the collapse of the dollar, those that were lured into a senseless narcissistic consumer lifestyle will be forced to come to the understanding that instant gratification is not why we are put on this earth. Those that were ill prepared for the collapse will start to ask questions, then they will seek answers, then they will want blood. The Elite that created, perpetuated, and profited off of this paradigm will be running for cover as the world wakes up to what they have done. It will be nice to have consumerism, militarism, and narcissism flushed away. This collapse will not result in a One World Order. The Elite that are trying desperately to make this happen will no longer be able to operate in secrecy. Their minions will lack any legitimacy with the people they rule. After all who is going to trust a President who says he did not see this coming when you and I can see it coming from miles away. The result after a very violent anger phase is going to be a massive decentralization of power, certainly not more centralization of power. Local communities, cities, counties, and states will attempt to assert more power over the daily activities of our lives. Some will slip into tyranny to make order out of chaos. Others will attract the best and brightest by embracing freedom and honest money. The end result is a life where we can reach our highest and best self. How we get there is a rough road, but one I feel is easily traveled if you are aware and prepared. Now is not the time to sit round, it is the time to get out and wake some people up! A long time ago in the land of hushabye
Around about the wondrous days of yore There came across a sort of box Bound up with chains and locked with locks And lableled, “Kindly do not touch. It's war.” A cree was issued roundabout with a flourish and a shout And a gaily colored mascot tripping lively on before “Don't fiddle with this deadly box Or break the chains or pick the locks. And please don't ever play about with war.” Well, the children understood, 'Cuz children happen to be good They were just as good around the time of yore Mommies didn't either, sisters, aunts, grannies neither 'Cuz they were quiet and sweet and pretty In those wondrous days of yore But someone did, someone battered in the lid And spilled the insides out across the floor A sort of bouncy bumpy ball made of guns And flags and all the tears and horror And death that goes with war It bounced right out and went bashing all about Bumping into everything in store And what was sad and most unfair Is that it didn't really seem to care Much who it bumped, or why, or what, or for It bumped the children mainly and I'll tell you quite plainly It bumps them every day and more and more It leaves them dead and burned and dying Thousands of them sick and crying 'Cuz when it bumps, it's really very sore Now there's a way to stop the ball it isn't difficult at all All it takes is wisdom and I'm absolutely sure That we could get it back into the box And bind the chains and lock the locks But no one seems to want to save the children anymore Well, that's the way it all appears 'Cuz it's been bouncing round for years and years In spite of all that wisdom wiz since those wondrous days of yore From the time they came across the box Bound up with chains and locked with locks And labled, “Kindly do not touch. It's war.” Author Unknown |